

Innovating value through cutting-edge technology



Gyeongju Biochip Society

Mara Nanotech attended the 2024 Korean Biochip Society Spring Conference held from Wednesday, May 22nd to Friday, May 24th and operated a booth.


International Nanofab center 20th Anniversary Ceremony and Forum

Participated in the 20th anniversary event of the Nano Technology Institute held at the Daejeon Convention Center on May 10th. Exhibited Mara Nanotech's products.


Dongducheon STEM Education

On April 26th, a science convergence STME festival was held at Hanbit Nuri High School in Dongducheon for first-year students and second- and third-year science students.


KIMES 2024 attend

Participated in KIMES 2024 and exhibited Mara Nanotech's self-monitoring technology.


SciTech Edu Foundation

SciTech Edu Foundation, a non-profit foundation in New York, North America, sponsored by Mara Nanotech. Convergence science practice using Mara Nanotech's STEM KIT >> Harvard internship provided as a follow-up program


MOU between Mara Nanotech Inc. and Pukyong National University Industry-Academic Cooperation Group

Mara Nanotech was selected as the representative of the company located in Pukyong National University Yongdang Campus and signed an MOU with Pukyong National University.


Gachon University winter short-term training program (STEM KIT)

Mara Nanotechprovided students with opportunities to experiment and practice using the STEM KIT at Gachon University.



2023 Digital Healthcare Company Investment Attraction Demo Day

At the investment attraction demo day, Mara Nanotech won an encouragement award for his IR presentation.


Attended Gyeongsang National University Hospital open laboratory construction project symposium

Mara Nanotech attended the performance report and future vision symposium and promoted the product.


KMSO Mathematics and Science Olympiad 

KMSO Mathematics and Science Olympiad held at St Jhon's University. Mara Nanotech was in charge of hosting the 10th and 11th grade Science Olympiad.


Daejeon Science Festival

At the Daejeon Science Festival, Mara Nanotech conducted a nanobio STEM kit science experience.


Participating in 2023 Global Healthcare Week

Installed, operated, and conducted IR as a participating company in the 2023 Global Healthcare Week held at BEXCO in Busan.


MOU with Busan University of Foreign Studies

Mara Nanotech signed an MOU with Busan University of Foreign Studies


NANO KOREA 2023 Public Session (Science Teacher Workshop)

Participating in NANO KOREA 2023 and conducting a science teacher workshop at the public session


BIOSENSORS 2023 attend

Participating and operating a booth at the 33rd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors


Materials Engineering and Human Bio Convergence Major invitational seminar held

Meeting with Professor Yongho Jwa of Hanyang University after conducting a seminar on nanomaterials and nanotechnology.


NY SBDC (New York Small Business Development Center) DAY Booth Participation

Selected as SPOTLIGHT with high performance in product exhibition and promotion at SBDC event held in New York


Information related to nano sensor performance evaluation was listed in the press release of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

Nanosensor detection performance technology proposed to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been established as an international standard.



2022 Korea Science and Technology Exhibition 

The 2022 Korea Science Fair is a space to share the achievements of our country's science and technology, current research and development results, and even the future of science and technology. It was an opportunity to introduce products incorporating nanobiotechnology, which is in the spotlight as a core technology for the future medical industry.


Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association Math & Science Olympiad (KMSO)

Science Olympiad was held for 10th and 11th graders at NEW YORK (St. John’s University) using Mara Nanotech’s educational science kit.



Participation and collaboration meeting at the World Medical Devices Expo (2022 MEDICA) 

By attending 2022 MEDICA (Düsseldorf, Germany), the world's largest medical device fair. Confirm the size of the global market, identify global trends, and seek to strengthen corporate competitiveness

- Meeting regarding future collaboration on cardiovascular disease medical devices with NOVAMED of Israel 

- A cooperation meeting was held with NANODITECH in the United States and production facilities in the United States.


Conducted pilot training at Busan National Science Museum

Experiential education for physician scientists through Nanobiosensor-based in vitro immunodiagnosis education – Busan Peniel Girls’ High School students



Biotech KOREA 2022 exhibition

The 2022 Biotech Korea exhibition was held to exchange bio technology by revitalizing the bio industry ecosystem and to lay a foundation for participating companies to enter the global market, and Mara Nanotech 's COVID-19 diagnostic kit participated for the exhibition.


STEM Adventure 2022 Virtual Youth Summer Camp (Magic of Nanoworld)

Experimental classes were conducted using Mara Nanotech's nanobiosensor kit at the camp. It is a camp sponsored by National NanoFab Center and KWISE to donate talent free of charge to the community.




Mara Nanotech's COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit was displayed at the 20th anniversary exhibition of Nano Korea, which collects and displays core nanotechnology that will be responsible for the future of Korea.


Explained the diagnostic kit of Marananotech Korea to President Yoon (In National NanoFab Center)

We explained the Nanosensor-based COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit to President Yoon at National NanoFab Center in KAIST, Daejeon.