

  1. “Measuring Bone Biomarker Alkaline Phosphatase with Wafer-Scale Nanowell Array Electrodes” J.K.Lee, C. Bubar, H.G.Moon, J.Kim, A.Busnaina, H.Y.Lee*, S. Shefelbine*, ACS Sensors, 3 (12), 2709–2715 (2018)

  2. “Innovations in Biomedical Nanoengineering for Healthier Life: Nanowell Array technology based Biosensor”, Y.T.Seo, S.Jeong, J.K.Lee, H.S.Choi, J.Kim, H.Y.Lee*, Nano Convergence, 5:9 (2018)

  3. “Single microfluidic electrochemical sensorsystem for simultaneous multi-pulmonary hypertension biomarker analyses”, G.H.Lee, J.K.Lee, J.H.Kim, H.S.Choi, J.Kim, S.H.Lee, H.Y.Lee*, Scientific Reports, 7:7545 (2017)

  4.  “Nonmediated, Label-free based Detection of Cardiovascular Biomarker in a Biological Sample”, J.K.Lee, S.R.Shin, A.Desalvo, G.H.Lee, J.Y.Lee, A.Polini, S.K.Chae, H.Jeong, J.Kim, H.S.Choi, H.Y.Lee*, Advanced Healthcare Material, 700231-7 (2017)

  5. “Label-free and Regenerative Electrochemical Microfluidic Biosensors for Continual Monitoring of Cell Secretomes ”, S.R.Shin, T.Kilic, Y.S.Zhang, H.Avci, N.Hu, D.Kim, C.Branco, J.Aleman, S.Massa, A.Silvestri, J.Kang, A.Desalvo, M.A.Hussaini, S.K.Chae, A.Polini, N.Bhise, M.A.Hussain, H.Y.Lee, M.R.Dokmeci, A.Khademhosseini, Advanced Science, 1600522 (2017)

  6. “Standardization of a bone formation biomarker Quantification using screen printed electrode”, C.Bubar, J.K.Lee, H.Y.Lee*, S.Shefelbine*, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 51 (7-9), 753-761 (2016)

  7. “Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Toxicology of Theranostic Nanoparticles”, H. Kang, S. Mintri, A.V.Menon, H.Y.Lee, H.Choi, J.Kim, Nanoscale,  7(45), 18848-62, (2015).

  8. "Wafer-Scale Nanowell Array Patterning based Electrochemical Impedimetric Immunosensor", J.K.Lee, S.H.Cho, J.H.Lee, H.Y.Ryu, J.G.Park, S.H.Lim, B.D.Oh, C.W.Lee, W.Huang, A.Busnaina, H.Y.Lee*, Journal of Biotechnology, 168, 584-588 (2013)

  9. "Double Oxide Deposition and Etching Nanolithography for Wafer-scale Nanopatterning with high-Aspect-Ratio using Photolithography", J.H.Seo, H.C.Cho, J.K.Lee, J.Y.Lee, A.Busnaina, H.Y.Lee*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 033105 (2013)

  10. "Characterization of the GM1 pentasaccharide-Vibrio cholera toxin interaction using a carbohydrate-based electrochemical system", J.H.Seo, H.Y.Lee* and H.J. Cha*, Analyst, 137(12), 2860-2865  (2012)

  11. "Interactive Configuration through Force Analysis of GM1 Pentassaccharide-Vibro cholera Toxin Interaction", J.H.Seo, C.S..Kim, H.Y.Lee, T.Kawai, H.J.Cha, Analytical Chemistry, 83, 6011-6017 (2011)

  12. "Photocurable Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-based Resists for Nanoimprint Lithography: Fabrication of High-Aspect Ratio Structures and Replica Molds", B. K. Lee, N. G. Choa, H. Tanaka, N. Y. Hong, D. P. Kim, H.Y.Lee*, T. Kawai, Langmuir, 26(18), 14915-14922 (2010)
  13. "Replica Mold for Nanoimprint Lithography from a Novel Hybrid Resin", B. K. Lee, N.  Y. Hong, H.Y.Lee*, D. P. Kim*, T. Kawai*, Langmuir, 25(19), 11768-11776 (2009).
  14. "Nanoarrays of Tethered Lipid Bilayer Rafts on Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hydrogels", B. K. Lee, H.Y.Lee *, P. N. Kim, K. Y.  Suh *, T. Kawai *, Lab on a chip, 9, 132-139 (2009).

  15. "Stepwise Self-Assembled Protein Nanoarray with a Nanoimprinted  Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Hydrogel", B. K. Lee, H.Y.Lee*, P. N. Kim, K. Y.  Suh, J. H. Seo, H. J. Cha, T. Kawai, Small, 3, 342-348, (2008)

  16. "Epitaxial Nanodot Arrays of Transition-Metal Oxides Fabricated by Dry Deposition   in combination with a Nanoimprint Lithography based olybdenum Lift-off Technique", N. Suzuki, Hide. Tanaka, S. Yamanaka, M. Kanai, B. K. Lee, H.Y.Lee, T. Kawai*, Small, 10, 1661–1665 (2008).
  17. "Molded nanowell electrodes for site-selective single liposome arrays", P. N. Kim,  B. K. Lee, H.Y.Lee *, T. Kawai, and K. Y.  Suh*, Advanced Materials, 20, 31-36 (2008).  : Selected as Research Highlight in NPG Asia Materials

  18. "Single Probe DNA Immobilization on Chemically Modified Single Protein by   controlling Ionic Strength and PH", R. Yamazaki, M. Ito, B. K. Lee, H. S. Jung, H.Y.Lee*, T. Kawai*, Analytica Chimica Acta, 603, 76-81 (2007).

  19. "Facile and Rapid Direct Gold Surface Immobilization with Controlled   Orientation for Carbohydrates", J. H. Seo, K. Adachi, B. K. Lee, D. G. Kim,  Y. K. Kim, K. R. Lee, H.Y.Lee*, T. Kawai, H. J. Choa*, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 18, 2197-2201 (2007).

  20. "Electrochemical detection of 17β-estradiol using a DNA aptamer immobilized gold electrode chip", Y. S. Kim, H. S. Jung, T. Matsura, H.Y.Lee *, T. Kawai,M. B. Gu*, Biosensor and Bioelectronics, 22, 2525-2531 (2007).

  21. "A review of DNA functionalized/Grafted Carbon Nanotubes and their characterization", S. Daniel, T. P. Rao, Kota S. Rao, S. U. Rani, G. R. K. Naidu, H.Y.Lee*, T. Kawai*, Sensors and actuator: B.Chemical, 122, 672-682 (2007).

  22. "Well-Oriented NanoWell Arrays Metrics for an Integrated Digital Nanobiosensor", H.Y.Lee *, J. W. Park, J. M. Kim, H. S. Jung,T. Kawai*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 113901-113903 (2006).

  23. "A novel route for immobilization of oligonucleotides onto modified silica nanoparticles", K. S. Rao*, S. U. Rani, D. K. Charyulu, K. N. Kumar, B. K. Lee, H.Y.Lee, T. Kawai, Analytica Chimica Acta ,576, 177-183 (2006).
  24. "Soft lithographic patterning of supported lipid bilayers onto a surface and inside microfluidic channels", P. N. Kim, S. E. Lee, H. S. Jung, H.Y.Lee* T. Kawai, K. Y.  Suh*, Lab on a chip, 6, 54-59 (2006).

  25. "New Antibody Immobilization Method via Functional Liposome Layer For Specific Protein Assays", H.Y.Lee*, H. S. Jung, K. Fujikawa, J. W. Park, J. M. Kim, T. Yukimasa, H. Sugihara and T.  Kawai*, Biosensor and Bioelectronics, 21, 833-838 (2005).

  26. "Amperometric Immunosensor for Direct Detection Based upon Functional Lipid Vesicles Immobilized on NanoWell Array Electrode", H. S. Jung, J. W. Park, J. M.  Kim, H.Y.Lee*, and T. Kawai*, Langmuir (Article), 21, 6025-6029 (2005).
  27. "Conductance measurement of a DNA network in nano-scale by point contact imaging atomic force microscopy", A. Terawaki, Y. Otsuka, H.Y.Lee, T, Matusmoto, Hide. Tanaka, T. Kawai*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 113901 (1 –3) (2005).

  28. "Spontaneous Immobilization of Liposomes on Electron Beam Technique", J. M. Kim, H. S. Jung, J. W. Park, H. Oka, T. Yukimasa, H.Y.Lee*, and T. Kawai*, J. Am. Chem. Soc.(Article) , 127 , 2358-2362 (2005).

  29. "SNPs feasibility of nonlabeled oligonucletides by using electrochemical sensing", H.Y.Lee*, J. W. Park and T. Kawai*, Electroanalysis, 16, 1999-2002 (2004).

  30. "AFM imaging of nanostructure polypyrrole doughnuts shapes fabricated by direct electrochemical oxidation", K. Fujikawa, H. S. Jung, J. W. Park, J. M. Kim, H.Y.Lee*, and T. Kawai*, Electrochem. Com., 6, 461-464 (2004).

  31. "Electrochemical detection of nonlabeled oligonucleotide DNA using the biotin-modified DNA on streptavidin-modified gold electrode", J.W.Park, H.Y.Lee*, J. M. Kim, R. Yamasaki, T. Kanno, Hiro. Tanaka, Hide. Tanaka, T. Kawai*, J.Biosci. Bioeng., 97, 29-32 (2004).

  32. "Near-field optical imaging of abasic sites on a single DNA molecule", J. M. Kim, H.Y.Lee*, H. Muramatsu*, T. Kawai , FEBS LETTER, 555, 611-615 (2003).